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One key property of smart contract wallets (SCW) is that the address and the signer are decoupled. Whereas with EOAs, the account address is cryptographically derived from the private key, with SCWs the account address is independent of the key(s) that control the SCW. This means that you can switch signers for your SCW, which enables you to recover your account if your original signer has been lost.

Note that if you have control of your original signer and simply want to switch to a different one, you can simply change the wallet owner.

ZeroDev's recovery plugin can be used in two ways: a low-level recovery API and a number of high-level recovery flows that are built on top of the API.

Recovery flow

The recovery API described above is suitable for when you need very fine-grained control over your recovery flow. However, most developers will likely find it easier to leverage our recovery flow -- recovery UIs built on top of the recovery API.

Check out our recovery flow here.



If you ever feel lost, you can always refer to the complete recovery examples.

ZeroDev's recovery API is designed to be maximally flexible, in order to support different types of recovery flows. From a high level, here's how the recovery API works:

  • You specify a threshold for the recovery, which is a number.
  • You specify a list of guardians, which are accounts that can recover your account for you.
    • In particular, each guardian is specified with a weight. A set of guardians can only recover your account if their combined weight is equal to or greater than the threshold.
  • You specify a delay, which is the number of seconds that the account will wait before it allows itself to be recovered. This is a hedge against malicious recovery -- if you notice that your guardians are trying to steal your account, you will have a window of time to cancel the recovery and remove the guardians.

Enabling recovery

To make an account recoverable, we must explicitly enable recovery for it. To do so, you must have access to the wallet object as a ecdsaProvider.

  const recoveryData = {
// Guardian addresses with their weights
guardians: {
[guardianAddress1]: 1,
[guardianAddress2]: 1,
[guardianAddress3]: 1,
threshold: 2,
delaySeconds: 0,

const recoveryProvider = await RecoveryProvider.init({
defaultProvider: ecdsaProvider,
opts: {
validatorConfig: {

const result = await recoveryProvider.enableRecovery()
await recoveryProvider.waitForUserOperationTransaction(result.hash as Hex)

This will send a UserOp that enables recovery. In this particular example, we are setting up three guardians, each with weight 1. Since the threshold is 2, any two guardians can combine to recover the account.

Initiating recovery

When your account is lost and you are ready to initiate recovery, you create a recovery request:

  const recoveryProvider = await RecoveryProvider.init({
opts: {
accountConfig: {
accountAddress: accountAddress,
const recoveryId = await recoveryProvider.initiateRecovery(newOwnerAddress)

Note how you need to specify accountAddress which is the address of the AA wallet, as well as newOwnerAddress which is the address of the EOA that will be the new signer/owner for the AA wallet.

In the end, you will receive a recoveryId. To complete the recovery, you will need to share this ID with the guardians and ask them to sign, which is what we are going over in the next step.

Approving recovery

Before we can complete the recovery, enough guardians must "approve" the recovery, until their combined weight reaches the threshold.

To approve a recovery request, simply do this with the guardian:

  const guardianRecoveryProvider = await RecoveryProvider.init({
opts: {
validatorConfig: {
accountSigner: guardianSigner,

await guardianRecoveryProvider.signRecovery()

Here, guardianSigner is the EOA of the guardian, and recoveryId is the recovery ID you obtained when you initiated a recovery.

Completing recovery

To complete the recovery, simply do the following:

  const submitterRecoveryProvider = await RecoveryProvider.init({

result = await submitterRecoveryProvider.submitRecovery();
await submitterRecoveryProvider.waitForUserOperationTransaction(
result.hash as Hex

Note that anyone can complete the recovery -- it can be the user itself, a guardian, or even your own server. As long as you have the recovery ID and enough weight has been collected, you can complete the recovery.

In any case, the transaction to complete the recovery is sent from the AA wallet itself. This means that the gas for this transaction will be paid by the AA wallet itself or a paymaster.